InfoDepot Mission: How Our Journey Started

Our vision for InfoDepot is to help anyone who has the expertise, experience, and knowledge to share it with others who are eager to learn.

“What can I learn today?“ Our mission with InfoDepot began as a quest to find the answers to this question.  


A world around us is a field of study. We are in a continuous learning process. Whether you take a short walk in a park or read a book, watch a documentary, or sign up for a cooking class, learning possibilities are endless. There’s always a question seeking an answer. 

Everything must change.  The process and venue for learning has evolved and modern society has adapted to new and different learning methods. In short, learning is no longer limited to traditional experiences in a classroom or at a university.

infodepot mission

Technology has empowered us in different ways breaking the chains of physical presence. Today, learning happens on the go as long as you have a mobile phone, a computer, or a laptop and an internet connection. Our only challenge seems to be time. 

This is how the idea behind InfoDepot was born.  

A person never stops learning

We envisioned InfoDepot as a community of passionate teachers and learners. A community where teachers love to share knowledge and learners love to explore new knowledge and learn new skills. Where curiosity is a driving force.  

“The world is a university and everyone in it is a teacher. Make sure when you wake up in the morning, you go to school.” 

T. D. Jakes

In our community, all of us are on a mission to support lifelong learning.

Our approach to lifelong learning: Teach Anything. Learn Everything. 

Our vision is to help people learn new things and gain new knowledge in a bite-sized format. 

Microlearning is not a new approach to learning, but it gained momentum with smartphones. With technological advancements, new knowledge is at your fingertips. Everywhere, not defined by place and time. Our wish to provide learners with an opportunity to truly learn how to do something and get answers to their questions after watching a short video lesson. 

infodepot platform

Not only are you able to learn something new every day because the lessons are short on InfoDepot, but you are also able to enjoy learning. There is no pressure to sit and carefully listen to classes for hours on end – with bite-sized classes you can learn whenever it suits you. 

So no matter whether you have a spare half an hour or you dedicate a special time slot every week to learning, with InfoDepot microlearning content and options you can learn something new every day.

InfoDepot versatile teachers 

How many times have you had an opportunity to learn from someone who is not a teacher strictly speaking? Perhaps from your neighbor who knows how to sew or a friend that is bilingual? Or from your parents who gave you special tips on how to cook a perfect roast beef?

Our vision for InfoDepot is to help anyone who has the expertise, experience, and knowledge to share it with others who are eager to learn. There is no such thing as irrelevant knowledge. As long as there is someone who wants to learn, that knowledge is valuable.

InfoDepot is creating a community that is dedicated to promoting and supporting old trades, crafts and art, and family heritage. We want to help teachers feel valued and respected every step of the way. 

In this way, InfoDepot encourages everyone to become an infopreneur.

If you have a skill, knowledge, or experience in any field, feel free to share it with others. This is how you will be able to earn a fair living wage out of doing what you love. 

Support the new way of learning

Join the growing community of InfoDepot teachers and learners and change the way in which you are acquiring knowledge every day.

Surprise and amaze yourself. Learn something new every day and achieve what you have been postponing for years.

Become a teacher and a learner on InfoDepot.


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