Guide for Teachers: 9 Tips for Teaching Online Classes

If you are a new teacher making their way into the online teaching world, it can be overwhelming to get started. iPads, teaching platforms, video files and microphones can be the stuff of nightmares, but it does not have to be this way.

If you are looking for some tips for teaching online classes to implement into your lesson plans, you are in the right place. 

Some small changes or practices can do the world of good for both you and your students. 

#1 Write down your teaching goals

We all know how important it is for students to set goals for themselves when it comes to learning. Why should it be any different for teachers? Write down some weekly goals for yourself and keep them by your computer (alongside a list of our tips for teaching online classes to keep in mind for your lessons). 

Your teaching goals can address whichever achievements you wish, whether it is to deliver an online class in no more than 30 minutes or to encourage a quiet student to contribute more in a live tutoring session. 

Write down your goals and hold yourself accountable. Always give yourself something to work towards. 

Smiling teacher writing notes

#2 Plan your lessons

Nobody wants to watch a hectic online video class covering multiple topics that overlap each other. Make sure that you plan your lessons efficiently, ensuring that your class is coherently structured and that the course content is organized. 

Ensure that you do not rush through any important information and that students can easily understand and follow the content of the lecture. Your class should only cover a few topics in detail. If applicable, try to arrange the topics chronologically. 

And if you have too many topics in mind that would take you hours to teach – try splitting them into several shorter video classes. It would be much easier for you to plan shorter classes and your students would benefit from having to learn from one class at a time.

#3 Research for good quality resources

Avoid YouTube videos from unreliable sources with questionable content. Spend some time searching for relevant, suitable resources for your students. Cross check the facts displayed in them with several resources such as journal articles, academic books and experimental studies (if you are not using these as a primary resource). For more creative subjects, search for well-reviewed technique books or example design patterns which allow students to practice the content that you have taught. 

Always keep in mind that the resources you provide should support the content that you have included in your video class. Try not to confuse your students with new content in the accompanying resources, you can provide extra materials as further exploratory work rather than as a resource to accompany the class. 

Finally, ensure that the resource is presented to the student in an accessible format. Rather than a .zip file for example, make the resource available to students in the form of a PDF. 

#4 Build a relationship with your students 

This is one of the most important tips for teaching online. If your goal is to build meaningful relationships with your students and to get to know them more, you can try incorporating live tutoring calls into your teaching schedule as well. This is a great way to find out what issues your students have on their learning journey, which can help you prepare content that would really suit their needs. So when you are only beginning to teach online, this is a great source of information for you as well.

Live tutoring calls can help you get to know your students. Try asking students about their weekend. If you tutor them regularly, check on them if they seem to be acting differently. Show them that you care. At the same time, it is extremely important to help students understand what is expected of them. 

Students are more likely to put effort into the work that they are assigned if they believe that their voices are being listened to and the work is for their own benefit. Therefore, teachers must try their best to help students understand the importance of learning and what it can be used for. This should be in perfect balance with informal conversations.

teaching tips

#5 Be positive

A positive attitude resonates with students. Communication is key and the way that you communicate with your students can alter their mood. Make sure to have this always in mind when you are recording your video classes. Maintain a positive attitude during your class and give encouragement to your virtual students. Even though you cannot see them or their reactions, be aware that everything you say can influence them greatly.

If you prefer to create live tutoring calls, make sure to always greet your students when they join your live tutoring session. Welcome them with a smile on your face and set a positive tone for the rest of your class.

Don’t shy away from positive reinforcement – it is essential. Make sure that you praise your students for good work and participation. This can be extremely motivational and helps the student to feel as though their work is appreciated and acknowledged. 

#6 Be responsive, flexible and understanding

Allow students to contact you by email or on social media so that they can ask you any questions or raise any concerns that they may come across whilst studying. Students can also communicate with you through the comment and reviews section of your video, so be sure to check it. Try your best to respond as quickly as possible. If the student has a number of questions, suggest arranging a live tutoring call so that you can provide the answers quickly and efficiently in sufficient detail. This is particularly useful for teachers of topics which are more practical such as sewing or jewelry making.

If you set homework, assignments, or final projects for learners to complete in their own time, ensure that you consider time zone differences or cultural factors. Be fair and considerate. If your student has a cultural holiday over the weekend that you have set an assignment deadline, take this into account. Once again, the student will show you more respect and put more effort into the work if they feel that you show the same respect and effort. 

Do not get frustrated if a student is not grasping particular concepts that you are teaching. If one method is not working, switch it up. Learning is a different journey for each student, therefore teaching cannot be a ‘one size fits all’ method. 

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#7 Provide regular feedback

Monitor the progress of your students. Find out which areas that they excel in and which areas require improvement. If you set an assignment or assessment, provide feedback as soon as you can. 

For more practical or creative topics such as embroidery, ask your students to tag you in the social media photos or videos of their crafts. Encourage them to get in touch through the online learning platform that you use. By monitoring their progress, if your students sign up for a live tutoring session, you can personalize their lesson to tackle the areas which they struggle with. This is shown to increase achievement rates and efficiency when it comes to online learning. 

You can also ask the student about areas that interest them or if they find any areas of the topic difficult. Then you have the option to cover any difficult areas during a live tutoring call with the student and you can also introduce some more information about the areas of the subject that interest them. Allow them to set the guidelines for your lesson plan. 

#8 Encourage students to participate

This can be found in many articles offering tips for teaching advice, yet it is almost doubly important for online teachers as students can sometimes fall into a habit of passively absorbing information. Initiate interesting discussions about real life issues related to your subject and find out the opinions of your students. This is a great way to learn which does not in fact feel like learning. Make sure that you let them know that it is okay to disagree. Allow them to voice their opinions. 

If you find that a student is particularly unresponsive in live tutoring sessions, try to experiment with different ways to engage them in the lesson. Find out what interests them and incorporate interesting, fun ways to learn into the class. If you teach painting and know that a student enjoys using acrylic paints or learning about chiaroscuro for example, be sure to include some information or activities related to these topics to keep them engaged. 

If you conduct your online teaching through pre-recorded video classes, ask your students to post videos of their progress online and tag you, so that you can monitor their activity. For example if you are a watercolor teacher, at the end of your lesson, encourage students to create a piece of watercolor art and post it on Instagram so that you can show your support and provide feedback.

#9 Take care of yourself

You may be thinking, what? This doesn’t belong in a tips for teaching online classes list! However, by focusing on students, resources and video class plans, it can be easy to forget about yourself and your well-being. This can be damaging to your health and hinder your teaching progress in the long run.

Ensure that you add some relaxation time into your schedule. 

Try your hardest to ensure a good 7-8 hours of quality sleep, eat healthily, drink lots of water to stay hydrated and get a little bit of exercise every day. This can help you to stay alert and can also help to improve several aspects of memory.

In this way you will be more productive and have more ideas for your classes. Your enthusiasm will show and you will be able to get more students to purchase your classes.

teaching tips

So, now you know a few tips for teaching online classes that you can try out in your upcoming lessons. Experiment and discover which ones work best for you, then you can think about implementing them more permanently into your teaching methods.

There is not just one single factor that makes the perfect teacher. Good teachers are attentive, select relevant materials, encourage students to lead their lessons, provide guidance and support as well as building everlasting relationships with their students. 

They are the ones that shape the lives of their students, whether it is through encouraging them to pursue their dream or injecting such life into their subject that their students choose to continue studying it throughout their lives. 

Who wouldn’t want to be such an inspirational individual?

Try out some of our tips for teaching online classes and maximize your online teaching success today with InfoDepot.


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